Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Black Laverne and Shirley are takin the internet world by storm

Kiki&Claude is back with yet another little teaser from their new sitcom. Lynn Hill&Valarie Dennis play 2 young african american roomates trying to make it in the entertainment industry, by going to every single party and club known to man in new york city and new jersey that they can get to, all while holding down a regular 9to5 job. Kiki(lynn hill aka Lynn Whitfield jr) is a cable tv represent and Claude (valarie dennis) is a security guard. The sitcom and based and shot out of Brooklyn.The two very funny and talented females tackle a lot of realistic and contreversial issues in the entertainment busines stemming from rape,to blackmail to getting thrown out of nightclubs&stalking but never losing the comedic value of the show.It has been dubbed as the black laverne n shirley although people of all ages,genders and races have been going crazy over kiki&claude."If you like REALity tv? you will tune into kiki and claude because it will have you tuning in every episode for more, i have only seen clips and i am already thirsty for more" Bruce Bruce" Kiki and Claude plans to launch this fall.


Unknown said...

lookin good this will be classic

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