Sunday, December 12, 2010

New couple alert New Couple Alert Neve got Jungle Fever Finallly

I always wondered when one of my 3 favorite 90's horror flick girls(neve Jennifer love,Sarah Michelle)was going to give a brother some Ass. Neve Campbell finally comes to her senses and gives a brother a chance. She is reportedly dating the "Old Spice  Guy Isaiah Mustafa.Neve Campbell, 37, recently announced her divorce from actor John Light, and she has since been spotted out and about in New York City enjoying the single life. According to Us Weekly, some of her time has been spent with Isaiah Mustafa, 36, the guy who stars in those hilarious Old Spice ads. “They’re dating,” a source says. “Neve is really happy.”.

In Conclusion    Go head homeboy  tear that up and represent for the light skinned brothers


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