well remember I reported to the world that Lil Wayne found out that his girl Chanelle cheated on him while he was locked up and a lot of people has even said it was Drake who slept with her.Well now it seems as though Weezy has turned to a ex-flame for comfort. According to a source who was in the building lil Wayne showed up at ex-girls Trina's bday bash and the two was said to be "hanging tight" with each other all night. "There was a point where weezy had his arms wrapped around Trina's waist and was whispering in her ear. Trina seemed to love it as she smiled and giggled away. The 2 left the party together with a few other people. It had been rumored that Trina had contacted Weezy when he was locked up and they have been communicating ever since.
Remember where you heard this first. You are welcome to share it but don't CLAIM IT
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